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What is SMV and How to calculate SMV with example

Definition of SMV
In the garment manufacturing industry, optimizing productivity is crucial for success. One key factor in achieving efficiency is through mastering Standard Minute Value (SMV) calculation. SMV calculation plays a vital role in determining the time required to complete specific tasks in garment production, ultimately impacting overall efficiency and profitability.
What is SMV?
SMV stands for Standard Minute Value, the time a skilled worker should take to complete a specific task while working consistently and efficiently, using the prescribed tools, equipment, raw materials, and workplace.

Method of Determining Standard Minute Value
  • Predetermined Motion Time System (PMTS)
  • GSD SMV (General Sewing Data)
Predetermined Motion Time System:
PMTS stands for Predetermined Motion Time System. It is a specialized method used in industrial engineering to analyze and establish standard times for performing specific tasks. PDMTS involves breaking down tasks into basic motions or elements and assigning predetermined times to each element based on extensive time and motion studies.

These predetermined times are derived from databases or established standards and are adjusted for various factors such as workplace conditions, operator skill levels, and equipment efficiency. PDMTS aims to accurately estimate the time required to complete tasks, optimize workflow, and improve productivity in various industries, including manufacturing, assembly, and production.

GSD SMV (General Sewing Data):
Also known as Garment Sewing Data Standard Minute Value, is a specialized method used in garment manufacturing to calculate standard minute values with a high level of accuracy. Unlike traditional time study SMV, which relies on direct observation of operator performance, Also utilizes pre-determined data and algorithms to calculate SMVs based on factors such as fabric type, seam length, sewing machine type, and operator skill level.

GSD Standard Minute Value software packages provide manufacturers with a comprehensive database of sewing data, allowing them to quickly and accurately estimate production times for various garment styles and configurations. This method helps manufacturers streamline production processes, optimize resource allocation, and improve overall efficiency in garment manufacturing.

Tools of Determining Standard Minute Value
1. Time Study
2. Performance Rating
3. Allowance
3. Time Study

1. Time Study
Time study is a work measurement technique where time is recorded. Time measurement analyses whether a job’s elements work correctly to perform a specific task or under particular conditions.

2. Performance Rating
Performance rating is a step of a work measurement system. It is a subject comparison with the standard performance. This comparison is entirely based on experience. Rating is a tool to assess a worker’s or employee’s speed and effectiveness in performing a specific job.

3. Rating Factor of Performance Rating
• Skill
• Efforts
• Condition
• Consistency

4. Allowances:
It is an amount of time added to the average time to provide for personal delays, unavoidable delays, fatigue delays, etc. When added to the average time/essential time, allowances result in standard time.

1. Relaxation Allowance:
Relaxation is the time allowed for a worker to feel up personal needs and to get back from fatigue. Relaxation allowance is divided in two ways. They are-

A. Personal Allowance

B. Fatigue Allowance

• Personal Allowance:
This allowance is provided for the need to leave the workplace, such as going to the washroom, fetching a drink, etc. The common figure is about 5% to 7% of basic time.

• Fatigue Allowance:
It is a mental and physical tiredness developed by an employee due to continuous work. It usually is counted as 4% of the basic time.

2. Contingency Allowance:
A possible future event or circumstance that cannot be predicted with certainty. It is counted less than 5% of basic time.

3. Machine Allowance:
Garments and machines are sometimes off due to mechanical or technical problems.

Here are some common figures of garment sewing machine
Manual = 10%
Bas Machine = 16%
Zigzag Machine = 15%
Fed of the arm(FD) = 18%
Bartack Machine = 16%
Button Hole Machine = 18%
Button Attach = 18%
Kansai Machine = 2
Button Machine = 20%
Heat Press Machine = 18%
Seam Tape Machine = 20%
Single needle lock stitch machine = 9%
Twin needle lock stitch machine = 14%
Three thread overlock machine = 7%
Three thread Flatlock Machine = 15%
Four thread Flatlock Machine = 15%

SMV formula:
SMV = Basic Time+ (Basic time×Allowance)

Basic Time = (Observe time×Rating)

Observe time = Total cycle time÷No of cycle

SMV=(Observe timexRating)+(Observe time*Rating)×Allowance

SMV calculation:

Observe Time= 0.5 (Minute)
Rating= 90%
Allowance: 15%

SMV=(Observe Time*Rating)+(Observe Time*Rating)×Allowance
=0.51 SMV

10 Uses of SMV in the Garments Industry:
1. Used for determining Workers’ Efficiency.
2. Efficiency of Production Line.
3. What should be the Production Target for the specific operation & the production line of a specific style?
4. Loss of Time during production and Loss of Productivity.
5. Capacity of Lines as well as complete factory or unit.
6. Determining Production Cost.
7. Calculate the standard Minute Value, machine requirement, and manpower requirement.
8. Use operator Performance-based skill matrix.
9. Standard Minute Value is used for factory capacity planning.
10. Use for calculating operator individual targets.

In the garment factory, Industrial engineers calculate the garment SMV. They do production studies during bulk production on the floor and validate the garment industry.


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উপন্যাসের গঠন কৌশল

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